Being highly attuned to my own spirituality, I understand that life’s path isn’t always straightforward. When we struggle, we seek support, assistance and reassurance.
I am passionate about guiding and empowering others to find their authentic self by helping to navigate, recognise and remove the obstacles that prevent us from our natural progression in life.
Understanding our spiritual worth is just the starting point. Recognising that guidance can come from our own insights allows us to discover the power of healing, love and wisdom through spiritual growth.
I am a Psychic, Evidential (Spiritualist) Medium and Intuitive Mentor, working both in the UK and Overseas. Trained extensively through the Spiritualist National Union and at the Arthur Findley College, UK, I conduct Private Sittings, Live Public Demonstrations, and Mentoring and Spiritual Development Courses.
How can I help?
Not only are we human beings, but we are also spiritual beings. By recognising the spiritual (intuitive) element within us unleashes greater self-expression and understanding. It allows us to connect with the essence of who we are.
Your intuition is a powerful tool and when used for personal growth, it helps you gain a deeper understanding of your authentic self, enrich your self-awareness, and broaden your spiritual understanding.
Let me guide you to unlock your true potential.

What I offer
I offer one-to-one readings from the comfort of a beautiful Reading Room in the Market Town of Stone, Staffordshire.
Psychic Readings
I will explore and offer insight and clarity on various aspects and events in your life, including love, career path, and relationships (both living and in spirit), which support the potential life changes you may be considering. I can help you understand your life’s purpose, unlock your true potential and align with your soul’s journey.
Appreciating your potential gives you strength and fulfilment. It ultimately leads to an inner calm within your life, giving you control and optimism about your future direction. This allows you to navigate life’s challenges with greater confidence and a more positive outlook.
Mediumship Reading
Being an evidential medium, I will connect to your loved ones in the spirit world, and convey evidence to establish their identity, and then share their messages filled with love, encouragement, hope and support.
Mediumship is the bridge between our world and the spirit world, creating a space for healing and giving the spirit world a voice.
Combination of Psychic & Mediumship
This form of reading can be the most meaningful since validation from loved ones in the spirit world regarding a particular life event can be hugely reassuring and comforting.
Spiritual Assessment
You may have considered exploring your psychic or mediumistic abilities but are unsure how to go about this, or you may be unclear about the direction you wish to take. A Spiritual Assessment will uncover your spiritual potential (soul’s potential) and map out the opportunities and routes open to you should you wish to follow them.
Business Intuition Readings
Having owned and established a large commercial company as CEO, the corporate world played a significant role in my life and encouraged my intuition in this field.
My intuitive awareness made way for a stable decision-making process but urged me to embark on an exploration of my own self. Through learning about the value of my insights, I realised how they empowered me in the business world across the areas of strategic direction, business development, and people skills.
For a detailed reading about your business or commercial ventures, I can use my intuition to support your evaluation surrounding some of the decisions you may feel unclear about. This will reassure you and help underpin your next strategic move with more clarity and insight.

Work with me
Workshops and Spiritual Development Classes held in Stone, Staffordshire
Realising our sense of ‘self’ brings a deeper understanding to our life and gives us deeper insights into how we can live our lives in a richer, more fulfilling way. Using the soul as one of your key navigation tools brings you closer to self-fulfilment and enrichment.
If you want to discover more about yourself through your psychic and mediumistic abilities, then please get in touch. This is your time to take your journey in a nurturing and supportive environment with like-minded individuals and to commence that life transformation you have been waiting for.
Workshops hosted in our purpose-built venue give you various options for learning and self-development with highly respected tutors and mentors.
Remove your limitations and discover your true potential.
Kind Words
‘Intuition is the whisper of the soul’
– Jiddu Krishnamurti